CHARA Mt Wilson

The CHARA/SPICA science group kick-off meeting will be held at the University of Nice (Parc Valrose, Bât Fizeau, Room Chesneau) the 28, 29 and 30th of January.


The Monday afternoon is dedicated to a general presentation of the CHARA/SPICA project and objectives, and to the overall framework of space missions and ground programs.

Tuesday is organized around working group activities:

  1. Definition of the astrophysical objectives (exoplanet host stars, asteroseismology and interferometry, surface brightness color relationships and fundamental parameters of stars). Criteria and tools to construct the list of targets.
  2. Methods to extract the fundamental parameters of stars, taking into account stellar evolution and atmosphere models, and binarity.
  3. Impact of stellar activity (spots, convection, winds and environments, rotation, multiplicity…) across the HR diagram for the three main astrophysical objectives.

To introduce the WG activities, we propose short 5' talks + 10' discussion with the goal, for each topic (stellar evolution, atmosphere modeling, multiplicity, spots, convection, winds and environments, rotation), to give a short overview across the HR diagram, ie considering all spectral types and luminosity classes.

Synthesis will be presented and discussed during the Wednesday morning session.




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